2010年5月31日 星期一


Some staffs from 7-11 came to school to teach children how to protect our environment.
There were some Q&A sections too. They told them that how to classify the garbage and definitely some of them could be recycled. They could take to the 7-11 shops instead of recycle center, to exchange other commodities such as cash or tissue paper.

幾位7-11 便利商店員工到校來宣導環保意識。他們告知小朋友,一些回收物品可以直接攜帶到便利店換取現金,或者一些日常用品。我覺得這樣做很好,畢竟這是我們人類生活的環境,被污染了,受苦的還是我們自己。我們製造垃圾就應該好好的把它處理,而不是隨隨便便扔掉,知不知道這樣子會造成很多禍害以及疾病。把能回收再用的就回收,減低垃圾的數量。這樣一來,環境不被污染,我們也生活得愉快呀!


Q&A 的時間到!

2010年5月27日 星期四

英語教學- Sing Along

Every Thursday I'll teach pupils of Grade 1&2 English. Today I was teaching them sang a song "London Bridge is Falling Down". Actually it was very fun to have some games with them. But unfortunately it seemed went through unhappily. There must be some problems with my teaching style since all of them din't listen to me even I shouted loudly. I don't understand why they acted so kind and polite in front of their own class teachers, but not me...sighing...

What should I do to improve it? Erm...I have been thinking it through all the night. Every time I wish that I can do the best for them by singing songs and playing games. I sincerely believe that it would make a change for them to love English. But not for now, I lost my confidence yesterday. I realized that I shouldn't having such negative thinking in my mind. So I need supports, in both ways: mentally and physically.

There was so kind to have Teacher Jia Qi to help me all the time in conducting the class...and of course she did giving me alot of suggestions and opinions since I was came to this elementary school in the first day. Thanks ! :)




2010年5月26日 星期三


The graduate students of ZhenLi University are so kind and friendly. They always come to our school to help the children. Today they came here to teach children how to make "vegetable sushi". It was fun, you know.

First of all, the chef gave briefing on the ingredients that needed and then he showed the steps to make vegetable sushi. Next, it was the show time of children to make their own delicious sushi with the help of assistants.


2010年5月25日 星期二

A Good Deed Today


Have you ever heard that a receipt can win lottery? Yes, it does happened in Taiwan. Every two months there will be a lottery. By matching the last several numbers (or all the numbers) from your receipt, you may get a chance to win this lottery. The grand prize will win about NT$ 2 million dollar.

Nevertheless, there are also some charitable organization will collect the receipts by setting some boxes in everywhere, especially in 7-11 stores. I saw it when I went to 7-11 store last week.

Through this action, it showed that Taiwan citizens behave altruism and they should be proud with themselves. Hence, today the school encouraged the children to donate some receipts to the charitable organization. Glad to see that they did a good deed!

2010年5月24日 星期一



想想,經過上次的遊玩,我們倆就很少再聯絡了,都是透過YY幫我們聯係。這是爲什麽? 想起YY她說:“真搞不懂你們爲什麽吵架?”其實我想是我們的意見有點分歧,彼此都固執不想讓步,把整個旅程搞砸了,愉快的心情變得悶悶不樂。最可憐的還是YY,不知該怎麽辦才好。



2010年5月19日 星期三

在虎頭山"High Tea"

It was a kind of "thankful lunch" for those teachers and workers in BeiShih Elementary School.

The Principle also invited some principles and officers from other places. It was a great chance to meet with them.
Besides, I had a great time with those teachers and workers. A lot of things i learned from them especially their own teaching ways and experiences. We shared our cultures too. Firstly by looking at first impression, I thought some of them were looked so "fierce". However I did changing my mindset at that moment . All of them were good and very friendly as well. Don't jugde a book by its cover!

The "Hu Tou Shan(虎頭山)" is a very beautiful hill. It is located at YuJing (玉井, a place where produces a lot of mangoes. Not only me thought like that, but also the teachers who came along. They were surprised to the scene while they arrived. It's true! Perhaps you can take a look of the pictures below.

The restaurant we took our lunch.
The name of the restaurant "Green Space".

You can sit outside if you wish.

菊花桂花釀. Good in taste.

2010年5月16日 星期日

一年甲班 Grade1




记得有一次,老师她问小朋友“这世上谁最爱你们?”“爸爸妈妈”,除了一位小朋友。他认为他的父母只疼爱弟妹,不疼他。老师 只好循循善诱的告诉他,其实父母在他小时候一定很照顾他,只是现在有了弟妹且年级又很小,比起他,弟妹更需要人来看顾,这并不代表父母不爱他了呀。这番话让我有很大的感触。曾经的我也有过这偏见,不过后来渐渐的发现我爸妈一视同仁,都一样爱我和弟弟。


這班的小朋友我都已記得他們的名字了。Bravo!(自己給自己掌聲鼓勵 :P )
2) 邱志翔
3) Kelly 陈冠榛
4) April 陈妤宣
5) Vicky 昀雯 - 班长,也是乖乖女。
6) 林昕璇 - 朗读的声音好好听,喜爱绘画。
7) 林翊程 - 字体写得很美。
8) 卓榆静-是个模范生,具有领导能力。
9) 邱惠翎
10) 林纪佑 - 很文静。



2010年5月13日 星期四


This was a part of my task to introduce Malaysia to the Grade 6 pupils. I was very worried at the beginning. Luckily it wasn't happened badly as they were asking me a lot of question until I don't know how to answer it. According to the teachers, these pupils seldom contact with outside world. I think this was an opportunity to them to widen their views.




Health and Smoking Awareness Talk


A talk was held on the first day i came to BeiShih Elementary School. It was a health education program. The aim of this talk is to deliver developmentally appropriate education that prepare children to be more aware to their health. I agreed that it has been raised their knowledge through an interesting teaching way I ever seen.





2010年5月11日 星期二


